
Moumint Drop Manager: Capture and Share Your Stream Moments!

Drops are a great and engaging way for you as a Content Creator to connect deeper with your audience and to share memories. Thats why we believe that the Moumint Drop Manager, part of the Moumint Creator Studio, is here to take your experience to the next level.


The Moumint Drop Manager allows registered Moumint Partners to create and manage special moments captured as images or short videos from live streams on platforms like Twitch, TikTok or YouTube and turn them into Drops. Drops can be edited, scheduled and released to specific audience members (for example, all those who have experienced this moment live on stream) or a list of chosen users that have a profile on Moumint. Once a Drop is released, its attributes can’t be changed, ensuring its uniqueness.

What Are Drops?

Drops are special moments from the stream of a Creator and Moumint Partner. These are edited and made into a Moumint Artifact and Drop, which is then sent to everyone who witnessed this stream moment live. They can range from a fun gaming moment to a special moment at a live concert to an intriguing scene at a talk show

Drop Overview

In the Drop Manager interface, you have an overview of your Drops, categorized as follows:

  1. Released and dropped to the audience: These are the Drops that have been created, released, and received by the users.
  2. Released but not yet dropped: These are the Drops that have been created and released, but not yet received by the users.
  3. Planned and editable drops: These are the Drops planned for moments that have occurred but have not yet been sent out.

Create and Customize Your Drops

As a Moumint Partner, you have complete control over your Drops. When creating or editing a Drop, you can:

  • Specify a name for the Drop.
  • Upload an image or video of defined dimensions with up to five different rarity tiers.
  • Assign rarity to each tier to control its uniqueness.
  • Upload a thumbnail for the item (image only).
  • Select a date for the Drop’s release.

Release the Drop to Your fans

If you want to release a Drop as a Moumint Partner, you can choose to:

  • Select a specific moment in a past stream, and the platform will automatically check the attendance of registered Moumint users or
  • Create a list of specific Moumint users.

Store or Release Your Drop

After creating a Drop, you have the option to store it for a later release if you wish to make changes or release it immediately with a planned release date. However, once a Drop is released, it can no longer be edited, ensuring the integrity and uniqueness of each Drop.

We can’t wait to see the unique ways you’ll use Drops and hope you use them in surprising ways.

Don’t forget to be part of our Discord Community here, where you’ll get exclusive perks, connect with like-minded Moumint users, and stay in the loop with all the latest updates.

Happy Dropping!

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