Where Can I Make Suggestions?
If you have any suggestions, you can always leave them on our discord server or through https://moumint.canny.io/feature-requests
How to Report a Bug?
If you find any bugs, you can contact us through our discord server or our bug reporting System:Report Here!
How Do I Provide My Address?
When you pull or upgrade a golden Artifact, you will receive an email with which you can claim your plate....
How Do I Get a Golden Plate? (Latin America)
Once you’ve filled out your entire Collection, we will send you a Golden Plate with the Collection Cover to your...
How Do I Get a Golden Plate? (Germany and USA)
Once you’ve pulled a golden Artifact or uptraded to one, you will receive a Golden Plate with the design of...
What Is a Golden Plate?
A Golden Plate is a 20x20cm aluminum plate with a specific golden Artifact printed.
How Do I Get MINTS?
You click on the little symbol in the top right corner next to your profile and select <Buy More MINTS>.